I dont know what it is about today, or about everyday lately, in general. But I miss my sistas from otha mistas so stinking much. I think it started by talking to a friend at work whose son is pledging Pi Kappa Alpha. She was dying not being able to talk to him, and laughing about the shopping list of things that he was to bring with him. I laughed inside, because I remember when Travis pledged PKA and all that was involved. Not to mention, remembering my own pledge new member experience.
Talking with her about rituals and such made me miss all those years... like... A LOT. Not too much longer after this conversation with my co-worker, I got a text at night from one of my very best girls (sorority sister) that said.. I. MISS. YOU. Nothing more, nothing less. right back at you friend, right back at ya.
When in life do you think you stop remincising, and move on with it. Perhaps accept the fact that the "best" time of your life is over. I still try and reach the amount of fun that I had in college on the occasion that Trav and I go out. Now, I know what you are thinking, and judging me about the fact that I said the best time of my life was in the past.
Best as in, carefree, never again being able to "find" yourself, learn so much, meet so many interesting people, see so many OUTRAGEOUS things, do things like dumb, dumber, and dumbest...best as in laughing so hard you peed your pants, watching a friend climb into the ice chest, making your cook go crazy, white and black sheets, the freezing sleeping dorms, that one person blow drying their hair at 11 pm EVERY night (love you girl!). the 2 x 2 room, the swing talks out front, the song circle, walking to class with buds, canned yams, fried friday, the lack of spell check on the menus... best as in BEST milk, BEST water, best as in BEST friends, that you wouldn't have otherwise met. Best as in Best Shot at making your life right... so that the BEST time of your life, can lead you to people and opportunities that make your best life, your BESTEST.
Anyways, this post is dedicated to all my girls. I miss you an incredible amount. February is coming up and that is the birthday month. (hence the title). So heres to Sister Jen, Rachel and Callie. I hope that your birthday's are fantastic!
in the flame.... haha.
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