
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Heres to Sister..... All of you.

I dont know what it is about today, or about everyday lately, in general. But I miss my sistas from otha mistas so stinking much. I think it started by talking to a friend at work whose son is pledging Pi Kappa Alpha. She was dying not being able to talk to him, and laughing about the shopping list of things that he was to bring with him. I laughed inside, because I remember when Travis pledged PKA and all that was involved. Not to mention, remembering my own pledge new member experience.

Talking with her about rituals and such made me miss all those years... like... A LOT. Not too much longer after this conversation with my co-worker, I got a text at night from one of my very best girls (sorority sister) that said.. I. MISS. YOU. Nothing more, nothing less. right back at you friend, right back at ya.

When in life do you think you stop remincising, and move on with it. Perhaps accept the fact that the "best" time of your life is over. I still try and reach the amount of fun that I had in college on the occasion that Trav and I go out. Now, I know what you are thinking, and judging me about the fact that I said the best time of my life was in the past.

Best as in, carefree, never again being able to "find" yourself, learn so much, meet so many interesting people, see so many OUTRAGEOUS things, do things like dumb, dumber, and dumbest...best as in laughing so hard you peed your pants, watching a friend climb into the ice chest, making your cook go crazy, white and black sheets, the freezing sleeping dorms, that one person blow drying their hair at 11 pm EVERY night (love you girl!). the 2 x 2 room, the swing talks out front, the song circle, walking to class with buds, canned yams, fried friday, the lack of spell check on the menus... best as in BEST milk, BEST water, best as in BEST friends, that you wouldn't have otherwise met. Best as in Best Shot at making your life right... so that the BEST time of your life, can lead  you to people and opportunities that make your best life, your BESTEST.

Anyways, this post is dedicated to all my girls. I miss you an incredible amount. February is coming up and that is the birthday month. (hence the title). So heres to Sister Jen, Rachel and Callie. I hope that your birthday's are fantastic!

in the flame.... haha.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Elbow Grease and a date with the Syrup Lady.

Well so far I can pat myself on the back for getting things done in 2012. I was hesitant to document the things I wanted to hold myself accountable for because I thought history would repeat itself and, I would not do a darn thing I said I would.

It's 15 days in so I can't be all like
"hey everyone, come see how awesome I am". That's not the case at all. Time will tell.

Well first and foremost, I finished the bathroom. It was actually quite easy after all the problems with the primer. I appreciate all the support from friends via text as I was painting.
Right now, I have the old towels and rugs, but I may switch the color to blue.

I am so happy with it. From the experience I have concluded that when it comes to color and my house, I'm a wuss. I have pops of color everywhere, but my walls need to be "neat".

Next endeavor of the weekend. Actually doing something from pinterest. I love me some curls. And more importantly I love me some easy curls. So I found this picture on pinterest... Totally easy.

So before I went to bed... BEWARE red head sans make-up...UGLY. I did what I was told and voila...

Travis said when he woke up he looked over and wanted to run out of the room. He said he thought he woke up next to Betty Crocker or Aunt Jemima. ----------------------------------->
Ha. If he was so lucky.

8 hours later + make up = not what I was expecting, but hey.. It was ok.

<------- BUZZ's Girlfriend.. WOOF.

Today was fabulous. Loved all that we did.

Travis even made home made onion rings and chicken strips... And rabbit stew. Uck.

Documenting over.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Rolling wit the homies..or rolling wit the roller..

Son of beach.

Finally, I get to sit down. Glass of wine. Sip. Sighhhh.

Travis is done with hunting. Correction, Travis is done with hunting until he makes up a new creature he needs to lurk in the darkness for.. Weirdo.

Anyways, since he didn't hunt that means momma got stuff done. I have a severe problem with making goals and then procrastinating until the goal is null and void. Well, my poop colored walls never went away or overrided (prob not a word...so?) by something of more importance. We built this house not even 3 years ago and I have painted our master bathroom 4 times. I have a problem.

"hi, I'm Meaghan and I am addicted to painting my bathroom".."Hi Meaghan!".

I had to practice because Travis told me that if we (I) paint that bathroom ONE more time.. I'm going to some group for help.

So I started the process of covering up my chocolate covered walls. What a STUPID idea..the color. The sad part is, the second I put the first dab of paint, I thought...ewww. But to prove myself and my husband wrong I have been living with this for over a year. Yuck. Trav has brown hair and the man can't do his hair in the bathroom because it blends in. ( and when I say.. Does his hair.. I mean throwing his LA heights gel in his locks.. Stay classy Krukemeier).
So step one: primer. I don't usually cuss.... On here. But.. Primer... You're a dirty dirty bit*h. It's kinda like my eye primer, it does a half ass job of keeping my make up on my eyelid and then after it dries, the gross come out from under it. So I'm working my tail off cleaning the yuck that's in my bathroom, moving things out, taking covers off outlets and priming. In the process I literally dripped half the can on my floor, painted my mirror, broke my blinds, painted the toilet and the ceiling and my hair. Thank the lucky leprechaun and treasure trolls in my basement that primer is white.

So.. I made it through. I even went mountain climbing in my shower so I could reach the tippy top corner. And did all of this.... You know it... Twice. 2012 is for goals and doing things right. GO ME!

Well actually.. I only did it twice because it looked like Camden did the first coat :)

Tomorrow color goes up. I have anxiety that me and hopsack won't love each other at first... BUT we can date for a little while and see what happens.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Its a new day, its a new year, its a new life...Yea.. What Michael Buble said.

Well helloooo 2012. The year that's going to rock my socks. I know this because 12 seconds into 2012 I felt that feeling when you know you're blessed. You kind of look around and think... Yep. This is it.
Not to mention, the girl propped up in the corner with her head in a bucket literally had me laughing for the first time of 2012.
So I was surrounded by new friends, old friends, my best friend (male version) and was getting texts from other friends and family. Life was good.

and then the flu hit our family. Gee Thanks.

Now that we are 12 days, almost 13 into the new year, I have compiled a list of things I want to be mindful of. I've decided to only include ten, because I have to limit myself from making too many "goals". I need to stay in the real world. But in all seriousness, I think this may be the year that I stick to my thoughts regarding resolutions.

1. LOVE MY LIFE. Although I may not seem like it, I can be a jealous person. Not jealous in the way that would eventually land me a spot on the show, "Snapped". But jealous in a way which makes me want/think I need everything others have. Sometimes I get really upset and down on myself because I am not capable of certain things. So to hell with it. I am going to LOVE the life that I have. Which, by the way, I totally have since the day I was given this life.. 26 years ago. But this year I will enjoy the little things.

2. MONEY. I want to be educated on money. How to use it properly, how to save it properly, and to get more of it, legally. Travis and I started out with zero debt because our parents somehow figured out how to save enough money to pay for our educations. I WILL do this for our children. Now, I just need to figure it out. Over the weekend, I was talking with girlfriends, and we were talking about our parents and how they had 10 dollars to spend at the end of the month and they would order a pizza and get beer. I need to learn how to live by peanuts. Educate me people! and send checks... now.

3. LEARN NEW THINGS. Pinterest inspires me. So I really want to learn how to do some of the things I pin. Recipes, art projects, wellness etc. I want to be a sponge and take others wisdom. I have also come to the realization that I talk an awful lot. Like my dad has told me, You can never really listen when your mouth is flapping.... so my lips are sealed. I am tired of being the teacher, I want to be the student now. (but without homework).

4. BE HEALTHY. skin. body. thoughts. enough said. I am one of those people who wants to look good, but really thinks that exercising is for the birds. Up until about 3 seconds ago, I never had to worry about working out. I said it.. yep. I'm a lucky gal. However, pregnancy decided that since I would forget all the not so glamorous parts, it would leave cellulite and loose skin. eww that even sounds gross. So I think I will eat more salads and better things. (as I eat an entire box of snow caps... I'm not kidding). I will not commit to exercising, but maybe I will do a lunge every now and again. I have never had great skin. This year, I am sick of putting some sort of acid on my face and hopes that it burns off my blemishes. I have/will resort to more water, vitameatvegimins, and ponds cold cream. My grandma has used ponds cold cream since forever, and the woman has THE BEST SKIN. She tells everyone she is 40, and by golly, she could damn near pass for it. I also would like to get rid of toxic thoughts. Be more optimistic, with a realistic approach. Think happy thoughts... and then I fly away with peter pan and tink.

5. TAKE TIME FOR MYSELF. Luckily, I have a great husband who makes this possible. I would like to find time to do "me" things. Talk on the phone with friends, for an hour if I want, read a magazine, write in my blog, snoop on Facebook, pin on pinterest, craft, take a shower and get ready without an interruption, have coffee and clip my coupons on Sunday, watch RH of EVERYTHING, Bravo catch up on DVR, study for school, prep for school... you get the point. I have shit to do. SO LET ME.. and 2012... not one free second will be taken for granted! Hell, I might even nap.

6. FINISH MY MASTERS. done and done. I hate school. So enough already.

7. SET GOALS AND KEEP DEADLINES. I am notorious (to myself) for saying I will do something, and then 2 years later, I make another deadline for the same task. Its over. I'm dividing and conquering. Thank goodness for REMINDERS on my phone. BEST feature ever!

8. KEEP FRIENDS AND FAMILY IMPORTANT. I have always been really close with my family. Now that we have Camden, I think its important that he understands how families should be. I can't wait for Spring so we can go do stuff as a family. Side Note, Winter Sucks. I also want to reconnect with old, older and oldest friends. We are all in a similar place in life, settling down, grouching about life, bills, baby poop, husbands and jobs. Misery loves company, and I want to have girl time over gripe time.

9. REALLY LISTEN. I have a problem with half listening sometimes. Its the teacher in me. I have to listen to 50 different conversations at one time. Well, this is starting to effect (affect?) my personal life. I will half listen and then forget something important. I mean, I am going to school to be a counselor for goodness sake, you would think I would know how to listen. Ugh. I also want to be better about listening and then reacting properly.

10. TAKE CARE OF MY BOYS.. WITH EVERY PART OF MY BEING. When it comes down to it, my boys are my life. With out them, I would not function. Even if they are not with me, I constantly think about them. Is Camden safe, happy? Did Trav make it to work OK? Is Ollie laying on my couch, ruining the cushions? I saved the best for last. My boys. They make me madder than hell, but then Cam just has to smile, Trav just has to do Trav things, and Ollie just has to act like the weirdo dog he is... and everything is great again.

2012 is going to be a great year. 2011 rocked, but 2012 will be best. Whatever it has to hold. let it unfold.

yep... I'm Dr. Seuss in 2012 Be Jealous..

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tis the Season.

Welp, guess what? School starts back up tomorrow. Not super excited by this. But I am not totally upset either. I am ready for routine. I have found that the longer I stay home the more upset I get with myself. Does anyone else do that? ugh. It's maddening. I always wake up super motivated the first day of break and want to do this, this and this... oh wait, this too. Guess what gets done, 7 million loads of laundry, the tree is up and my family is fed. The big picture, not too shabby. However, I am a very motivated artistic, dreamer of important schtuff and although I am only motivated to be a procrastinator, I would like the damn opportunity to get something on my pinterest done. OH WAIT.. did you just hear that.. the real problem just surfaced. Pinterest, you make me hate myself. You give me hope that I will be fabulous and that its so easy.. blah blah blah and now look at me. Hating life because you over inspired me.
Its whatever.
Lets move onto the next reason why going back to work is a good great thing.  If I don't go back to work, I am going to ruin my kid. That's right, RUIN. He's so snugly that all I do is hold him, and nap with him. Which by the way is against the rules at our house. The "big bed" is for mommy and daddy only, unless its Sunday for our family nap, or we are sick. Then the "big bed" becomes a cesspool of yuck. I have managed to make him HATE bottles, HATE food and HATE going to bed on his own. Yep that's right.. I managed all this in 2 weeks.I ROCK. I am terrified for the summer. We are the parents gosh dern and you betcha  he will do what we say. So you guessed it. I made a bottle. WAHH.. on the floor. I made him food. WAHH... on the curtain. Going to bed soon.. I bet its going to be saddest thing I have ever listened to. I mean, for real, I can hear his lip assuming the frowny face position.
I digress.
Going back to school also gives me the opportunity to mentor a little lady, as I will be getting a student teacher. Rock on. That's a whole other blog post. But I am super pumped to meet her, and she is from O'Fallon, so she will get my "O'Fallon-ness". Although, I will say, I am a little nervous because she has a legit Chem Degree.. and I am a Biology Degree in a Chemistry Teacher's Body. So this must mean that she is smarter than me. Which is great, I am going to learn so much from her. Hurraaaahhh! I am also scared that my kids will like her more than me. which is fine I guess, but its still a weird feeling.

as I sit here and type, I noticed that I still have my black fingernail polish on. damn. yet another thing I forgot to do over break. piss.

Anyways, I have things to pin on pinterest so I will end it here.

Happy Last Night of Winter Break.

Debbie Downer, Pinterest Addict, and Mother of a Ruined Child.
