
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dear Camden

Dear Camden,
Yesterday was your 5month birthday. I literally cannot wrap my brain around the fact that you have been a member of our family for almost one half of a year. It feels like yesterday when your daddy and I went to the hospital to have you. Actually today, I was sitting at the kitchen table, and I looked over at your high chair and remembered that, that was the chair that I called Dr. Ladd from to tell her we were on our way. That is also the chair that I ate my Fruit Loops in every day. My, I have gotten off topic. I am so happy that your monthly birthday is so close to Christmas. Last night, Santa came to our neighborhood and we stood in the front door and screamed like little kids with glee... Oh wait, you are a little kid. Ok, Mommy screamed like a little kid with glee. You smiled at the lights, and we sang Christmas songs. Goodness gracious I love the Holidays. I am super excited to see you and your cute self on Christmas. You have been a nice boy, so I am sure that Santa will be very good to you. Camden, this month you grew a lot. We are now scrambling to find clothes that fit you. You may be five months, but you are in 9 month clothes already. I make you wear every piece of clothing that we buy just because, and so today your pants are a little tight because they are 6 months. Skinny pants if you will? Apparently, boys think that's cool now.. so you're cool. ta-da!

You are trying to sit up by yourself, and you are actually really good at "tri-poding". You love to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I swear its baby crack. You also LOVE your jump jump.

Four hours and hours you sit in there and jump, jump. jump. I think this is helping you build strength in your back. You really have no interest in rolling over, you are a side person. You love to lay on your side. Another change this month, you have learned how to throw temper tantrums. Lucky us. However, I am no fool when it comes to throwing a fit.. so I give it right back. You are my son, and I understand that importance of getting your way, but gee whiz. Also, you are starting to bite. Awesome. Fair warning... I WILL BITE BACK!
You continue to try a new veggie every week. So far we have completed our orange colored veggies... onto greens. Camden, you are amazing. Its insane to me how happy you can make your daddy and I. At this time, you are currently putting everything in your mouth. EVERYTHING!
This month you like: jump jump, veggies, sitting up, your crabbie toy, your reindeer (tail only), lifting yourself out of your bouncer seat, snuggling with blankies, laying in the big bed, Ollie, TV, having a wet wipe on your wee wee, smiling, playing peekaboo, reading books, bottles, feeding yourself, chewing on your socks, grabbing your feet, the Christmas tree, sitting in the big boy highchair.

Oh my goodness, we love you so much. I look forward to documenting the Christmas Experience.
We love you Camden. We anticipate that this month is going to be quite the ride.

Happy Five Months... Don't move a muscle... you are growing up way to fast

 Hold it...
   Hold it....

Love Mommy and Daddy

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