
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hi I think your hot...

First and foremost, Happy Birthday TOMORROW, December 5th to my Grampy and to my little cousin Kaitlyn. Yahoo. I hope that you all party to you poop your pants.

8 years ago my Grampy was 8 years younger, and my little cousin was born and I walked into an after hours party after having one too many and met my husband. standard.

8 years seems like a million, sometimes it feels like a million, but most of the time it seems just like yesterday. I am not going to get all sappy because, well, that's not us. Travis and I are the LEAST sappy people ever. Unless I am 10 months pregnant, then I want to be saptastic, all.the.time.

Ok so let's celebrate our 8th year together by reminiscing all the totally classy parts. First of all, I wore a coat like this...

and to compliment this fine piece of yumminess, I wore a camel and white striped scarf. If I may be honest, I am pretty sure that I also wore this white shirt with a huge blue rose, covered in glitter, with pocket less jeans and chunky black boots. awesome.


Just in case you already didn't think I was a freak, I wanted to go ahead and find some garments to help paint a picture. Alright, so me and the rose and the fur walked into a party AFTER HOURS, so that right there just screams class. I walk in and there is a guy in a SIU hat, Old Navy shirt and hair that needed to be cut.

This is the guy who had been talking to my roommate and telling her to call me when they would be out because he wanted me to come hang out. You know, very mature things. This guy was annoying and I wanted to talk to him face to face to let him know.

Me and liquid courage walked up to him and said, "Hi I'm Meaghan, Tiff's roommate". Or something of the sorts. Anyways, fast forward an hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, 5 hours.. and its 9 am in the morning and we had stayed up ALL night talking. For real, talking, Trav is a legit guy, not skeezy.

He and I asked each other every question known to man, and now I ask him questions like..... to bring me the paci or the burp cloth.

Its pretty awesome, our story. He still makes me laugh, and I think he is still super cute. I hope that when we are old and gray we can look back at all of our years, and remember all the nitty gritty details.

We haven't always been rainbows, gold, and leprechauns, but who has. I anticipate that we will also have more bumps along the way. But, man, what a ride it has been thus far.

Travis thinks I am stupid for counting our 8th year. But its too fun to not celebrate. Its another glorious year on the calendar. and if I might add, he still needs a damn haircut.

Happy Not Real Anniversary Trav!

Love You,

1 comment:

  1. I always look forward to our date-iversary too :). We just had our ninth!

    Congrats to you both...here's to many more years!

    Ps. That us a wicked coat :)
