So we woke up on Tuesday morning to my nurse, Thelsa, and all the doctors that I had been in contact with. Once again all the kids followed the doctors who were legit and then they began pushing birth control again... I'm not kidding. It was getting kind of ridiculous. To shut them up I said, give me the pill and finally.... Some peace and quiet.
At this point, it was still Travis and I in the room. Andie was still in the NICU. We had breakfast and we went down to see baby girl. I finally had my pee bag and medicine drop machine removed and I was a free woman.
As I'm writing this, I'm trying to piece it all together and its becoming a blur. Travis went home that afternoon and my mom and grandmas came by to visit. While they were there, the nurses told us that Andie was able to come stay in my room with me because she no longer needed the NICU. It was the most wonderful news I had heard. So we walked down and got her.
Travis went back to work that Wednesday so I was alone in the hospital with Andie, Tuesday-Thursday. It wasn't that bad. But I started bad habits while it was just us- sleeping in bed with me, watching TV all night, eating chips in bed. We were rebels. Since I had a cesarian it was difficult to get out of a hospital bed to get her so we improvised. My night nurse, Jackie, was awesome! When she would come to give me meds we would talk Bravo and we talked about her upcoming wedding. She was wonderful. She'd also take Andie for a couple hours while I'd sleep. Apparently, Andie was the only baby on our floor that wasn't up screaming all night.
The nights turned into days, that turned into nights. It was a long stay, alone, but needed. Camden needed his daddy and Trav drove back and forth until all of his family was taken care of. He's wonderful. He even had a houseful of his mother in law, and my two grandmas. What a guy!
So while I was alone I had to get stuff done on my own. A lot of funny things happened and only Andie and I were there for the awkwardness that ensued.
First stop-shower. Since it was me and her, I wheeled her bassinet into the bathroom and showered with the curtain open so that I could watch her. While in the shower, I had a Charlotte from SATC moment. Nooo I didn't poop myself, worse!!! I was washing my face and the bubbles from the soap got in my mouth because I was in heaven and let my mouth flop open and I started to choke... That's all fine and dandy until your reflex to cough kicks in. Coughing and csection is No GOODA! When you use any muscle in your tummy you need a pillow to push up against so you don't feel like your going to blow a gasket. Naked in the shower didn't lend itself for that. So needless to say I stood their choking, coughing and crying because I was panicked. After I coughed up my face wash I began to laugh about the nonsense that just happened.
Next- elephantitis. After you have a baby you swell. Heck, I'm ahead of the game and start swelling before. But nothing could prepare me for the swelling that a csection gives you. They pump you full of fluid before you have your surgery and then it hangs out with you for a week after. My thighs were huge, my butt was huger, and my knees and ankles were nonexistent. My maternity jeans didn't even fit. Embarrassing. The doc said "totally normal", "could last for weeks" and I said things like "DON'T YOU KNOW IT'S SUNDRESS SEASON?" And " IT'S ALMOST BATHING SUIT TIME". He told me to walk it out and that the walking would also help with the gas.....
The Gas----- we are all friends here, and we know that I've been known to toot every blue moon.......... Hehe
Well, after surgery you have trapped gas. It sucks. It's actually worse than the surgery pain. Not kidding. I ate gas pills like candy, and now I feed them to Travis :) I took my docs advice and went for a walk. I had horrid gas pains, so I threw on my tye dye dress and me and my big legs went for a walk, pushing Andie in her bassinet. We made lap after lap and I got that feeling.... Like oh god, keep it in... I tried to move as fast as I could back to my room but, alas, right before my room... Zerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp. I let her loose. Fail.
My belly felt better, but my legs were still big.
So my mom came to pick us up because Travis was dealing with an audit at work. Mom went to the garage to get the car and the nurses wheeled me and my baby to the curb with all our belongings....and we waited. And waited. And waited. I was convinced that I was the next "home is where the heart is" character, feeling like Natalie Portman I waited for my mom. Finally, she made it the circle drive and off we went...

So it all turns out ok in the end. The gas ends, the swelling ends, and love affair with a pillow ends.
Now my baby has explosive farts and a toddler with an explosive personality.
I have a whole post about that soon.
First week home alone with both kids begins tomorrow... Eik!
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