I'm such a liar.
Camden: "Em..Em?"
Me: No, Cam, Elmo isn't on right now. He comes on at 10. (like he can tell time, let alone understand why his favorite TV show can't be seen)
Camden: grabbing the remote...."Em Em?"
Me: taking the remote and switching to Kelly and Michael.. No Cam, Elmo is on soon.
Every morning, 45 seconds after he is awake...that sweet voice asks for Elmo. I'm not entirely lying to him, Elmo for reals isn't on until 10 and Kelly and Michael is on at 9... But the dirty secret is, I have DVR'd the shitzuh out of Elmo for emergencies. (One of the "smart" things I have done while learning to be home alone with a toddler).
So, I could in theory put Elmo on.
I use the time when Camden eats breakfast to get a head start on my caffeine intake, in hopes that it will knock third trimesters sleepiness from my bones, and give me half a chance to have energy to hold Camden's attention for longer than 3.5 seconds. This is also the time that I watch Kelly Ripa and get my morning news. Normal stuff. This also contains him, plastic tray, straps, bliss.
The first and last time I am in control for the rest of the day.
So today I made a list of things I have learned about parenting, about myself, about my son, whilst he chucked chalk in my face and then smacked his own hand and said No, No, No in his sweet semi British accent he seems to have.
1. Being home with a toddler is hard.
2. Being home with a toddler when it's 2 degrees in harder.
3. Being home with a toddler when it's 2 degrees and pregnant is hardest.
4. You should never decide to have more children until you have witnessed a toddler in its natural habitat.
*lucky for us, our second was a surprise, so I can't shake my fist at my own self.

5. Kids are adorable for a reason. Seriously.

6. Nap times are GLORIOUS. Better than a lot of things.
7. Bed time is mandatory... Not a minute later. After the shenanigans that took place today, Camden won't see an hour and a half past his bed time again until he's 18.
8. Daily, 150 high schoolers would test me and I usually came back and won the battle, being all like HA take that...well 1 toddler tests me and then makes me feel like I have been surprised, round housed, and left feeling like the ass I am.
9. Kids are SMART.. Smart in the brain and in the mouth. Even at his age. Scary.
10. Bringing out any electronic will almost always cause a scene if you don't let the kid play with it. I mean a scene you would see with a person going through detox. An out of body experience.

11. I will never again know what it's like to go to to the bathroom alone. I didn't believe my mom friends who have tread these waters already.
12. I can't wait for Travis to get home... I actually get anxious when he's late.
13. A simple smile from my little man makes all of the above complaints seem a little easier to deal with :) not non existent, but easier.

14. Now I know why tons of moms in the 50s supposedly took Valium.
Tomorrow we look for little gyms or fun activities in the surrounding area. Camden needs some interaction and I need to sit down. Alone. In a mommy time out.
Only 12 more weeks until I have another kiddo who will light up my life in her own special way. And the way Camden is, and the way she moves... This lady needs to sleep now... While she can.
Hugs and love,