
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I present to you...The Class of 2003

10 years? Really? I could not believe my ears when I heard that for the first time. Now, the reunion is this weekend. Sadly, I will not be in attendance. It crushes me to know that I won't be there catching up, especially since I haven't lived in O'Fallon since I left in 2003😥. Sure, I hung out there a lot, but living and visiting isn't the same.

I consider myself as one being classified as "Suzie High School". I participated in spirit week, athletics, parties, and tried to know as many people as possible, all while trying to figure my life out. Of course, I made some bad decisions, but over all, I feel like those four years were really productive.

I remember walking down those halls the first day of high school. Wandering aimlessly down the 500 hall and then ending up in the 600 hall...but couldn't find 900 hall? Ugh. The Stress!!!!

At the time i didn't realize what wonderful teachers I had, and how I would model my teaching from them. I remember Mr. Sitze and how he looked like Santa- but how far from jolly he was, yet one of my favorite teachers, ever. My favorite lesson he taught was the one with the Country song, "the dance". Señora Grogan, a family friend, who taught me Spanish, and made sure I was better than my dad was, when she had him 20 years prior. Still to this day, I feel accomplished when I can translate bits and pieces of Español and I still crave the spanish chocolate she sold in her classroom. I don't remember much about Mr. Cordon's class, other than I was scared to get up and talk and that he was profound..oh..and to never get on his bad side. International Issues was one of my favorite classes for many reasons. The teacher, Mr. Bickel was amazing and is still outstanding in his current role, as principal. I learned a lesson in this class, a hard lesson. I remember a student who was heavy and they fell out of their chair while we were all getting new seats one day. Many students laughed, and I remember wanting to crawl in a hole for them and to scoop them up... I didn't. I'm ashamed. When I taught, I would use this experience to teach my students to take care of each other, because I couldn't imagine what that student must have felt that day being alone in an embarrassing circumstance. On September 11, I was sitting in Mr. Day's class when the twin towers went down. He rolled in a TV on a cart and plugged it in. We all sat there stunned, with no idea how that day would impact our lives..still....10 years later. Mrs. Wilmore's class is where I decided I wanted to be a science teacher and Mrs. Hughes's class is where my great guy friend, Chris, ate a goldfish and then was immediately pink slipped...haha. Mr. Toler eating chalk...and Mrs. Cotts breaking the news to Sarah and I that there was no such thing as Prince Charming.

The football games, the basketball games, running to the tracks and back, walking from the back parking lot, bus rides to and from games, lunch hour, fruitopia and Cheetos, Channel One.. I can still remember it like it was yesterday.

Well classmates that will be there, and those that won't...I miss you. I wish you all the best, and am proud of what you've accomplished. I hope you have fond memories of me, or the classes that we took together. Those whom I didn't get to know very well, shame on me. I'm sure I'm the one missing out. Maybe at our 20 year ill be able to come and have a beer with you, legally..this time 😉

Have a great time this weekend!
